What's a Brazilian?

A Brazilian by any other name would still be the same. 


Everyone has their own interpretation of what a Brazilian is and includes.  Here's mine:

If I am removing the labia hair, it's a Brazilian.  WHAT???  That sounds crazy?  Does it? 

The Brazilian service is a very high degree of difficulty. Especially the labia area.  You can't just slap some wax on it, cross your fingers and hope for the best.  With advanced training, experience and expertise any professional knows that the labia is ground zero.  If anything is going to go wrong, it's going to be with the labia area.  Skin gets lifted, torn, bruised and battered if you don't know what you're doing. 

So even if you're leaving ALL of the hair on the mons pubis and just removing the labia hair, it's still a Brazilian AND you should charge full price.  Even if the client doesn't have a lot of hair, you should still  charge full price.  Even if it only takes 10 minutes, you should still charge full price.  

I think you get the point.  If it involves the labia, it's a Brazilian.

There are a lot of names for the Brazilian:  Full Monty, Playboy, Cue Ball, Sphinx, etc.  The monikers are endless.  Whatever you call it, make sure you properly define it so that clients understand what they will be getting. 

The Brazilian is often confused with the "bikini".  These two terms are often used interchangeably by the general public which adds to the confusion. 

A "classic bikini" removes just the hair outside the panty line by 2-3".  Since there are so many different panties, I'll classify to make it a little easier.  Think of old school brief or bikini panties where the leg opening is in line with the thigh crease.  A bikini does not include thongs, triangles, high cut or french cut panties.  Once you start encroaching in toward the center line of the body, that's Brazilian territory.

It's always best to correctly define your services so that clients know what to expect.  Since it's rare that anyone books an honest to goodness "old school" bikini wax, it's a good idea to call your client prior to their appointment and confirm the service with them to make sure that proper expectations can be set and met.   If someone is unsure of what they want, book them in for a full Brazilian so that they have the extra time to decide during the appointment.   Then charge accordingly to the service performed. 

Need extra help with your Brazilian skills?  I've got you covered.  Click HERE for some online training options.